Thursday, March 6, 2014

Apple's CarPlay draws safety criticism

"Apple is making it easier than ever to use your iPhone in the car. Some auto safety experts think that's not such a good idea." The new CarPlay system from Apple allows drivers to make hands-free calls, dictate text messages and many other iPhone functions. This can very useful, but it also serves as a large distraction to drivers. David Teater, senior director at the nonprofit National Safety Council, says they are very concerned about the auto industry and the consumer electronics industry overlapping and allowing drivers to do many things other then driving. Although it is a hands free operating system, research has shown that it can be just as dangerous as holding a phone while driving. "The idea that people want to be on their phones, and therefore let's give them a way to do that -- that's not putting safety first, that's putting convenience and the desire to be in touch first," says Bruce Hamilton, manager of research and communications at the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. I agree that both can be dangerous but I also think it can benefit many people if you are responsible and use it for the right reasons.


  1. This is honestly just making accidents happen more in my opinion. They are not helping anyone. This can surely cause more death and accidents to occur. These distracting new abilities will be a hit in the market though, it is guaranteed. I believe that the company was just trying to appeal to the consumer's wants and were not trying to be dangerous.

  2. I think this a is a good idea people are going to use their phone regardless so its better to have them using had free and having both hands on the wheel rather than not on the wheel and texting
